Here are some requirements and recommendations in preparation for your online class.
- Experience level: the sessions are open to everyone regardless of experience.
- Yoga equipment: a non-slip yoga mat is essential. It may be useful to have a cushion handy.
- Viewing device: a smart TV, laptop or desktop will provide the best experience, although you can also connect via a tablet or smartphone. To connect your laptop to a Smart TV, use a HDMI cable.
- Internet connection: high-speed broadband wired or wireless is best.
- Video Conferencing: download Zoom to your computer or install the Zoom App to your device. Click here to Download Zoom. Restarting your device regularly to ensure you have the most up to date version of Zoom installed.
Thank you for booking your online session. Below is guidance for joining the Live Session:
- The link to join the session will be sent to you via email before the start of the session.
- If you have any health concerns, please make the teacher or facilitator aware before the session starts.
- If possible, choose a room with minimal distraction and a safe clear space around you.
- Prepare any equipment required according to the type of session (mat, meditation cushion, blanket etc).
- Once ready to join, click on the Zoom link, please try and join at least 5 minutes before.
- Having the camera on will allow the teacher to feel more connected with you and they can offer greater guidance. In which case when prompted select ‘Join with Video’.
- You may be placed in a Virtual Waiting Room; the host knows you are there and will let you all in once ready.
- To enable the sound select ‘Join with Computer Audio’
- In order that everyone can hear the host clearly with minimal disturbance on entering the session all microphones will automatically be set to mute. You can then unmute if required
- Once visible you can re-adjust your camera, in particular for the yoga session
- To see the host over the full screen, select ‘Speaker View’.
- There will be an opportunity to individually speak to the teacher or facilitator at the end of the session.
We hope you have the most wonderful online class experience!